Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Independence Brings Problems

On June 30, 1960, Patrice Lumumba took place as DRC’s first premier. But he brought economic, political, and social problems. (D) After ruling for a short time, separatist movements were formed and DRC was very weak without Belgium rule, so the country asked for their help. (D) Lumumba also caused problems with the UN. The UN did not like his ideas of democracy and thought he was a communist. Later, on January 14, 1961, Belgian and Katangan forces Kidnapped and executed Lumumba to "maintain order" within the new country. (D)

Even though DRC gained independence in 1959, there was still chaos. People were lost without the help of Belgian powers, and the mayhem eventually started a downfall. Also, Belgium was still supporting them in many other ways, meaning there wasn’t a “real” freedom in the Congo. Their first premier was killed by outside powers while their next leader was a strict dictator named Mobutu who led DRC into a messy downfall financially by holding multiple debts with other nations. Although Congo was considered a free and independent country, the real question is: Did they have a successful independence? 

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